Inspections/Audits OF Landscape Works
Landscape inspections/audits by Landscape Architects are important for the client or main contractor in making sure that the implemented landscape works have been carried out based on the agreed landscape scheme. Inspections/audits make the client or main contractor aware of any errors, issues, defects, or plant failures during the defects period that need resolving to be in line with the landscape scheme. This helps ensure that the quality of the implemented landscape scheme is high and minimises the potential for enforcement action.
Quality of plant stock, plant densities, materials used, species and compliance with the planting specification and plant schedules are considered and documented within a report. The site visit information is then detailed within an inspection report to identify defects that require resolving and quantities of plant failures that require replacing based on the agreed planting plan.
Three different types of inspections between handover and end of the 1-year defects period are possible, these being:
Landscape Handover Inspection / Audit - A site visit inspection/audit at the handover stage of the implemented landscape works to assess the implemented landscape scheme against the agreed planting plan during the construction phase. Production of a handover inspection report with a snagging plan.
Interim Landscape Defects Inspection / Audit at 6 months - An interim inspection/audit at six months after the handover date during the defects period to assess the condition of the implemented landscape scheme. Production of an interim inspection report with a clear plan showing planting to be replaced due to stock failures.
Letter of Final Inspection - A final inspection at 12 months from the handover date (end of defects period) to assess the implemented landscape scheme and any requirement for replacement planting to be able to issue a brief letter of final inspection.
Alternatively, one-off, phased or ad-hoc landscape defect inspections/audits during the construction stage can be carried out to comply with the requirements of the client’s project.
Contact Us
For more information on Inspections/ Audits of Landscape Works, or to discuss a specific project, contact our office on 0845 463 4404.
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